Players Code of Conduct


  1. Encourage good sportsmanship from my fellow players, coaches, and parents at every game and practices.
  2. Understand that I represent the Spartans Elite at all times, on and off the court and will demonstrate positive behavior at all times.
  3. Attend every practice and game and notify my coach, in advance, if I cannot.
  4. 4. Attend every practice on time. Every player is expected to be at practice at least 10 minutes before it is scheduled to start and be on the court ready to go.
  5. Understand that my playing time will be based on my ability, effort, attitude and team needs.
  6. Be drug, alcohol and tobacco free.
  7. Do my very best in school, and understand that if my grades fall due to participation in this organization, I may not be able to participate.
  8. Treat the opponents, coaches, referees and fans with respect at all times.


Parent Code of Conduct


  1. I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, officials and fans at all events.
  2. I will remember that the game is for the Athletes, not the parents.
  3. I will let the coaches coach my athlete. I will not yell from the stands to my child during a game or practice. Except to offer praise or encouragement.
  4. I understand that if I or any of my friends or family threaten any player, coach, official or fan, my athlete’s membership will be cancelled immediately.
  5. I promise that my athlete will adhere to all team and Spartans Elite rules and policies.
  6. I will never use profanity or inappropriate language in the presence of children.
  7. I will wait at least 24 hours after a game or practice before approaching a coach.